Planting Trees, Planting Seeds 03.01.2024

Trees are such a beautiful part of our world.  In our current season, late winter, the trees in the yard of our home and community, don’t look like much.  They don’t provide shade.  I guess they would provide space for nests, but the birds aren’t around that want nests…and the trees don’t provide much shelter or protection currently anyway.  The area of Mitchell that we live in is a newer area, which means there aren’t many mature trees.  The trees in the area are growing, but most trees are rather small.  

One of the first things Nancy and I did upon moving into our home, once the boxes were unpacked, was to plant a couple trees in our yard, thus doubling the number of trees on our property.  Even though these trees are now several years old, we realize that it is likely that we won’t be around (or on this earth) to enjoy them when they are in their full glory of maturing.  So, a question has come up, “Why?”  Why do we plant trees when we aren’t going to enjoy them when they are mature and most beautiful?  For the answer to that question, I look to a previous generation….my Great Grandfather, Swan Nelson.  He’s the one who settled on the “home” place that I grew up on north of White Lake.  I believe he’s the one who planted many of the trees in the shelter belt west of the house I grew up in.  

Great Grandpa Nelson must have known that he wouldn’t be around to see or experience the fullness of how those trees would look or how they’d protect the house and farmyard from the South Dakota winds and blizzards, yet he planted the trees because he knew it wasn’t just about him.  He also knew it was about future generations that would live and work on that farm.  Certainly, Swan Nelson was able to experience some of the benefits of those trees he planted, but he knew those trees weren’t just for him.  Those trees were intended for others yet to come.

Today I’m asking myself, and all of us as a part of our local church and the greater Church, what are the “trees” that we are planting?  What are the things that we are starting or doing now that none of us in this church today may experience the benefits of or even see the fullness of?  I believe the greater Church of our day needs to be planting more “trees,” taking more risks, and taking the attitude of Great Grandpa Swan….it is not about me.  And of course, the reason for planting these kinds of spiritual trees is so that others, in generations to come, will experience and know the love and grace of Jesus that we know today.  

In order for future generations to experience the beauty, joy, peace, and hope of our faith, we need to be planting “trees” or seeds of faith today.  Seeds that take time to mature and produce fruit, but seeds that if cared for, will provide fruit and benefit for generations to come.  Yes, it takes us, the followers of Jesus to plant and nurture the seeds of faith today in order for the harvest and full benefit of the growth and maturity to be realized tomorrow…or the next day…or the next.  

How about it…are you ready to grab a shovel?  Are you ready to plant a couple of “trees” for God’s Kingdom??  I believe there are people in the future that will experience the love and presence of God, then look back to us today, even though they won’t know us, and give thanks for the trees we planted for them!

Pastor Keith