Who Are You? 4.26.2024

Mourning Doves…with the nicer weather returning, so are the Mourning Doves.  Every summer I’ve lived here in Mitchell it seems that a lot of the birds congregate here in the northern part of town where I live.  I hear their haunting call every morning.  I’m guessing many of you hear them too.  So, my question is, what do you hear them saying?  I’m serious!  When you hear their call, what do you hear?  What does it sound like to you?

To me the cadence of their call has a specific pattern and sound that reminds me of a question I heard an individual ask a while back.  The cadence of the question asked by the speaker is the same as what I hear from the mourning doves.  In the words of my dad, who when he was in the Army, was a company clerk and communications person, so he knew and used Morse Code…(and knew it still until the day he died).  He would have described the cadence as “short…loooong…short” or “dit…daaaaaa…dit.”  So, the question I hear being asked in those bird calls??  “Who are you?”  Emphasis on the “are.”  “Who are you?”  

So, how would you like to be greeted by that question every morning as you head out for the day??  Actually, it’s a great question to start your day with?  Who are you??  It is a very powerful question if you really stop and truly consider it.    

My Mourning Dove experience reminds me of a story I heard a while back about a Rabbi from many years ago who was running an errand.  He took a wrong turn in his village and ended up at a military garrison.  As he approached the Post, the guard on duty hollered out, “Who are you?  What are you doing here?”

The Rabbi stopped and considered the questions.  Then he responded to the soldier, “Young man, how much are you paid in a week?  When the guard answered, sounding a bit bewildered, the Rabbi said, “I’ll pay you twice that amount if you’ll come to my home every morning and ask me those same two questions.  “Who are you?  What are you doing here?” 

These are two important questions.  Important for individuals and important for the Church as well.  So much so, that our church leadership is taking this year (2024) to ask those questions in our own way.  We are focusing more on “Why are we here?”…as in, in this community.  Or another way to put it is, “What is our purpose?”  Why does God have us in this community at this particular time?”  I’d invite each of you to pray for our church’s leadership as we ask these questions and listen carefully and wait patiently (or not so patiently) for the response we hear from God.

But, back to us as individuals, how would it change your life or the direction of each day if you had someone asking you those questions?  Actually, maybe you can have that experience.  Listen for the mourning doves in the morning.  They’ll start you out with, “Who are you?”  Then you can fill in the rest.  “What are you doing here?”  Part of the answer, I believe, is remembering each day that we are children of God…and that what we are doing here is trying to touch this world…or touch another person with the Love of Christ.  That’s Kingdom Living made simple.   

Pastor Keith

"Stay Alert" 04.19.2024

For those of you who watch or listen to my Tuesday morning Faith Break video on Facebook, I always end with the same words; Stay Alert!  Stay Connected!  Stay Grounded in God!  On occasion I’ve had someone ask what that means, the “Stay Alert” part.  Or they’ll ask why I say that, why should we remain alert?  Well, I guess the main reason is that Jesus tells his disciples to remain alert. 

There are four times in Mark and Luke, in our New Testament, that Jesus tells his disciples to remain alert.  The first time in Mark 13:23, Jesus is talking about how there will always be people pointing to false messiah’s and someone will always be repeating what the false messiah’s say.  But Jesus’s word is.  “Stay alert.”  The word means to be watchful, to not sleep, to be ready, to keep awake.  And then, right after telling the disciples to “Be Alert,” Jesus goes on to say, “I have told you everything.”  In other words, if the message of a would-be messiah doesn’t line up with what Jesus has said, that’s a sure sign of a false messiah.  Be alert, Jesus says!!

Just a few verses later, in Mark 13:33, Jesus once again tells his disciples to “be alert.”  This time the message is given in a story about an owner or boss who goes on a journey and doesn’t really know when the return date will be. The servants are left in charge.  But the wise servants don’t goof off because the owner is gone.  They stay vigilant at their tasks because they don’t know when the head person will be back.  So, they are to keep doing what the owner has told them to do.  

In Luke 12:35 and following, Jesus again tells the disciples to be alert, like the servants of the person who goes off to a wedding celebration.  Weddings were a multi-day celebration in that time period.  But again, the admonition is given to stay alert, waiting and watching for the homeowner to return so that the servants can open the door and welcome the owner into the home.  When those servants are found faithfully doing their work and faithfully accomplishing their duties, they will be blessed.  

Luke 21:36 is the final time Jesus says, “Be alert.” He’s reminding the disciples that there will be difficult or dark days, and that they should “be alert” to be watching out for those moments so they won’t be tripped up or caught off guard.  Hang on to your faith and trust in God, is the message.  Be Alert!!

So, what does being alert look like?  To me, a great example of alertness is our dog, Sophie.  The other evening Nancy was gone (and FYI, Sophie really is Nancy’s dog).  I was doing some office work for a bit.  Sophie came and lay on the floor by me.  Then I went to the living room to read for a while.  Faithfully, Sophie followed me into the Living Room and again laid down close by.  Even though Sophie appeared to be sleeping and totally disconnected with the world, she truly was not.  All the sudden she sat up, her ears cocked toward the garage, then I heard it too.  The garage door was going up.  Sophie ran to the side door and stood there waiting for her master to open the door and greet her, which Nancy did.  That is an example of alertness.  In the ordinary moments of a dog’s day of wanting to be loved by her human, she was very much alert and waiting.  

In our lives of following Jesus, we too are called to be alert.  Alert for moments when we can live out God’s Kingdom and Jesus’ love in our world. Alert for the moments to see Jesus in the people that we meet in our day-to-day lives.  Alert to moments when Jesus is being falsely represented in the world and we have the chance to not necessarily correct the false messenger, but to live and act as true representatives for Jesus in the world.  Yes, there is much for us to be watchful for.  So, I’m going to try to be more like Sophie.  I’ll go through my day doing my human things…but I always want to be ready for the Jesus moments that might come my way so I, too, might be ready.  How about you??  Yes, a good word for us all…Be Alert!!! 

Pastor Keith

The Light 04.12.2024

On Monday of this past week a celestial rarity, called a solar eclipse, took place and was all over the news.  Actually, in doing a little research, I discovered that a solar eclipse isn’t really all that rare.  A solar eclipse of some form takes place at least two times a year and can happen as many as five times a year.  It just depends on orbits, alignment, etc.  In fact, according to Royal Museums Greenwich, and Astronomy Magazine, a total solar eclipse happens somewhere on earth about every 18 months. What made this eclipse so special was that it was a total eclipse that stretched across an area of the United States.  A total eclipse occurs in any particular area of the globe once every 400 years – give or take a few years.  

What I find so interesting is how every time there is an event like the solar eclipse on Monday, it always brings out people who are claiming the eclipse is a sign of something awful about to happen, God’s judgment is upon us, or the end of the world is right around the corner, meaning Jesus’ return is near.  Of course, the same predictions occur whenever there is another round of war in the Middle East or other parts of the world.  

So, with all these predictions about the end, people ask me at times about my thoughts.  What I tell people is that I am a firm believer in what Jesus said in Matthew 24:36 – “No one knows about that day or hour (of Jesus’ return) not even the angels in heaven, nor the son, but only the Father.”  Even when the disciples ask the resurrected Jesus, just before he ascended into heaven, if this was the time that he was going to “restore the kingdom” to Israel.  That’s their wording and understanding for the end of one age and the beginning of God’s reign.  Jesus said to them, “It is not for you to know the times or the dates the Father has set by his own authority.” Acts 1:7   But in Mark and Luke Jesus does tell his followers to be alert and watchful.  He also tells us that we are to live every day as if the Lord was returning tomorrow or soon. 

My favorite passage, especially at the time of an eclipse, is that of John 1.  John is writing about Jesus and John the Baptist, but primarily about Jesus being “light.”  John 1:5 states, “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness did not overtake it.”

To me those are beautiful words and the eclipse on Monday helps us see and understand the power of those words.  Yes, there was a shadow of darkness that crossed our nation…and even crossed our world.  But the thing is, it didn’t last.  The darkness could not overtake or overwhelm the light.  In just a matter of minutes the light was back at full strength once again.  

This image of an eclipse is so helpful for all of life, I believe, even our faith journey.  There are moments of darkness.  But when we look to and follow Jesus, the light of the world, we can know that the light will always push back the darkness. There may be darkness for a period, but the light will return.  That is in part what Easter is all about.  While it was still dark, the women went to the tomb.  It was empty.  But when Mary finally saw and recognized Jesus, the light was dawning upon their world…and also in her life.  Jesus, the light of the world, was alive and with her.  That is our hope, too!!  The darkness of Good Friday and Silent or Waiting Saturday does not last!  Easter Hope, Easter Light, and Easter Life is coming!!

So, whenever an eclipse of any sort attempts to cover our world, our thoughts, or our lives with darkness, I always remember John 1:5, “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness did not overtake it.”  Heavy emphasis on the DID NOT!!  We are Easter People.  We are people of the Light!!  

Pastor Keith

Now What? 04.05.2024

Now what??  When was the last time you heard those words coming from your lips?  Maybe it was after receiving a letter from your bank, or your doctor’s office, or some other official looking letter that you weren’t expecting.  Now what?  I remember asking that question of myself when we brought our first newborn child home and placing him in his crib in our apartment.  Now what!  I can also remember that question being asked after each of my graduations; from high school, from college, and even from seminary.  There was always the sense of, now what?  It means, OK, what comes next.  

Recently I read an article from a fellow Dakota’s Conference pastor who asked that question in relation to Easter.  He wrote, “So, Easter has come and gone.  Now what?”  That is such a great question!  

That was the exact question being asked by the women that went to the tomb that first Easter morning.  It was the question being asked by the disciples when they finally came to realize that Jesus was alive again.  It was the question asked by the two followers walking on the road to Emmaus, not sure what to believe anymore.  It was the question Thomas was asking after saying he wouldn’t believe Jesus was alive unless he saw him and touched him for himself.  

In our lives today, we ask the question too.  Now what?  The palm branches have mostly been disposed of, the Easter lilies have been taken to individuals’ homes, and people are now starting to focus on confirmations, graduations, summer camping trips, Vacation Bible School, etc.  What does our belief in Easter, or Jesus’ resurrection mean for us today?  Truly, the question is, Now what??

My first “Now What” response is that we need to be on the lookout for Jesus.  I’m guessing the disciples were much that way.  Those first few days after Resurrection Day, they were wondering when and where they’d see Jesus next.  We also need to have our eyes and hearts keenly aware and on the lookout for where we will see Jesus next; in a smile, in an act of compassion, in a prayer, in a statement of praise, in a sunrise, in a robin’s song, etc.  

My second “Now What” response is that we need to be living out Jesus’ presence in the world.  Jesus is truly alive, and he is also alive within us as his followers.  Our lives are to be dedicated to living for and living out the Good News of Jesus’ love in the world today.  In other words, Jesus sightings should be taking place in how we live our day to day lives.   So, yes, as the Easter Eggs are put away, as the chocolate bunnies are finished up, as all the symbols and signs of Easter slowly disappear, the real sign of Easter and Jesus being alive, needs to continue within each of us.  That is our “Now What” for today, tomorrow, and every day!  Maybe that is what Jesus means by, “By this all people will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”  John 13:35. This is also how others will know Jesus is alive.  This is our Now What!

Pastor Keith

Good Friday 03.29.2024

My dad was a rather quiet, laid-back kind of guy.  He generally didn’t get overly worked up about anything.  Yet, every now and then you’d see the rebel, or a different side of the man peek through in his personality.  Such as, one day I noticed dad wearing a T-shirt with a message on it that really rather surprised me.  Oh, it was nothing vulgar or anything like that, but the message was just…surprising.  What the T-shirt said was, “Don’t tell me what kind of a day to have!” This message was commentary on people constantly saying, “Have a good day!!”  

Now, I never was able to have a serious conversation with dad about the T-shirt and its message, and ask if he was just making a joke, or thought the message was funny, or if he was serious and just plain tired of people constantly saying, “Have a good day!”  So, I’m thinking of dad as I write this article, because I want to tell you, and the world, the kind of day to have.  I want you to have a “Good Friday!”  I don’t mean this as a platitude, as in the cheery voice saying, “Have a good day.”  But since today, as I write this, is Good Friday, I truly want each of you and myself to have a Good Friday.

What I mean by this is that I hope each of us will absorb or think about the meaning of this day for us as followers of Jesus.  This is the day that we remember Jesus died on the cross.  He died as the perfect sacrifice, once and for all.  

You see, you have to understand the sacrificial system that was in place in Jesus’ day.  Sin is real and has to be dealt with in a certain way.  Sin, or missing the mark of God’s desire for us, causes a break in our relationships with God.  It’s saying that I know better than God, so I’m going to do things my way rather than God’s way.  Taking that action, or sinning, costs us something.  The cost is damage to our connection or relationship with God.  It says something about how we view God and God’s desires for our lives and the world.  So, to “fix” or to take care of the damage that sin has caused in our lives, that too, has to cost us something.  It requires something of value from us to show we understand and recognize the damage done through our disobeying and disregarding God’s ways.  Since it was such an agrarian culture in Jesus’s day, it made sense that the “sacrifice” was generally something agrarian in nature, an animal, some grain, bread, wine, etc.  

However, there came a point when God realized that the sacrificial system had lost its meaning and effectiveness within the hearts and minds of the people.  The cost of erasing the effects of sin or repairing the damaged relationship had generally become insignificant or of little consequence to the people.  So, people just kept on sinning without giving it a second thought and without changing their lives.

So, a new plan, a new covenant was needed.  Rather than humanity providing the sacrifice for their sins…what if God provided the sacrifice?  That sacrifice would be something so significant, so great, from God’s perspective, that it would cause humanity to take notice.  So, God sent his son into the world.  God sent his son to the cross not out of anger and wrath, though God is angry about sin.  God sent his son to the cross out of a loving desire to clear the way for humanity to reconnect with God, to cover the cost of sin, and to show this is a relationship based on love not anger.  As Romans 5:6-8 tells us, “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.” 

This is a Good Friday.  The debt has been paid.  God’s love for you and me has been displayed for all to see.  I don’t want to tell you what kind of a day to have…but I do want you to have a Good Friday, experiencing the genuine cost and love that the cross reveals for all humanity and all creation!!

Pastor Keith

Decisions 03.22.2024

We all make decisions every day of the week…every day we live.  I expect we all know this to be true, but we probably don’t realize the number of decisions we make each and every day.  I made a decision to do a little research and check it out on the all-knowing Google, asking the question how many choices/decisions the average adult makes each day here in America.  The answer I discovered, through several different articles I read in my research, is that generally speaking, we make anywhere from 33,000 to 35,000 decisions a day.  Wow, that’s a lot of decision making!

Chances are we don’t always think about the decisions we make, such as turning off the alarm clock, rolling back over in bed to get a few more Zzzz’s before getting up, making the bed…or not, picking up the cell phone, checking one’s apps, etc., etc.  What I’ve described are just a few of the decisions that are likely made within the first 5-20 minutes of one’s day.  On it goes throughout the day.  In fact, I did just a little quick math.  If we make just 33,000 decisions a day and we are awake for roughly 16 hours a day, that means we are making just over 2000 decisions an hour and around 35 decisions every minute.  No wonder we feel so tired sometimes.  We’re exhausted from the decision making going on in our lives…especially in the stressful days!!

One of the things that I find interesting to observe in my spiritual life, specifically my bible reading, is that of paying attention to the decisions that Jesus makes.  In the gospel of Mark, chapter 1, there is a brief story that tells of a decision Jesus made.  The story starts at verse 40 where a man with leprosy came to Jesus, got down on his knees, and begged Jesus to heal him.  In fact, the wording is, “If you choose, you can make me clean.” Mark 1:40 (NRSV).  Jesus’ response is to stretch out his hand toward the man, touch him, and say, “I do choose.” (verse 42). And we are told the man was cured.

I was reflecting on the love of Jesus expressed in his choice and this simple act.  Jesus, reaching out to physically touch a leper, an outcast in the community.  This is no small thing.  But Jesus does it time and time again.  As I thought about this brief story, it struck me that there was another choice made before Jesus said, “I do choose.”  

This choice was that of the man’s.  He chooses to seek out Jesus and ask for his help.  You see, a leper had to isolate themselves from the rest of the community.  If they were around people they had to shout out, “Unclean, Unclean!” as a warning for others to steer clear.  This man made the choice to leave his isolation community, approach a known Rabbi and large gathering of people, and ask for help from Jesus.  This was no small thing.  But because of this individual’s choice, Jesus responded with his choice, and a holy moment took place and is forever recorded in three of the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  

In reflecting on this story, I believe there is a powerful message for me in my faith journey.  Sometimes, Jesus’ response and choice is directly related to my choice of deciding to seek Jesus out. When I choose to approach Jesus, it is then he also reaches out to me.  I believe part of the message of this and many stories of Jesus healing, is that our choice matters.   

As I write this reflection, we are just a few days away from Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week.  In this week, in which so many choices were made that impact our faith today, may we each make a choice to approach Jesus to learn, grow, and most of all to seek Jesus’ healing touch in the place we need it most.  And when we ask for Jesus’ touch, may we hear his response, “I do choose!”  Blessings on our Holy Week journey!

Pastor Keith

Unplug and Reconnect 03.15.2024

The other evening, I was doing some work in my home office.  I was doing some research on the internet from my computer.  Suddenly, the screen went blank, and a little box appeared in the bottom corner of the screen that said, “You are not connected.”  A moment later the same basic message appeared on another device I was carrying.  I went upstairs to see if Nancy had done something with our internet connection.  Nope, she was sitting there reading a book.  

I went to the room where all the computer and internet connection equipment is located.  I stood there looking at the boxes and jumble of cords.  What to do…what to do…what to do???  Then the voice of my son rang in my head, “Dad, the first thing you do with technology, if there’s a problem, is unplug it and then plug it back in.”  So, that is what I did.  Unplugged things, waited a minute or so, and then plugged it all back in.  And that seemed to take care of the issue.  We were once again connected.

I wish my spiritual life came with those sorts of pop-up messages. You know, like what happened with my computer the other night.  I wish there would be a message box that would appear saying something like, “Your connection with God is weak!”  Or that it would just say flat out, “No Connection with God!”

If there were those sorts of messages that would appear in our lives, would we know what to do?  Now that is a great question!  Would we know what to do?  The advice of my son doesn’t seem to apply – Unplug everything.  Or does it apply??  Maybe we, or at least I, really do need to “unplug.”  Unplug is a word used in our day to mean to rely less on technology.  That’s probably not bad advice.  

This season of Lent is, in a sense, a time of unplugging – a time for resetting things, in order to reconnect with what is really important in life and what is really important in our faith.  The focus of Lent isn’t so much on giving up stuff, as it is considering what the barriers are that slow down, interfere, or even block the connection that we have with God.  Giving something up for Lent isn’t so much about sacrifice, in my opinion, it’s more about removing the distractions that get in the way of our faith connection and our growing in God.

For me, one of the things I’ve been cutting back on during Lent is my use of social media on my smartphone.  An interesting feature my phone has is that it will tell me how much time I use the various apps or programs on my phone.  After the first week of Lent my phone reported that my usage had dropped 79%.  Oh my goodness!!!!  That means there’s more time each day for other things, like my relationship with my spouse and my connection with God.  I hadn’t realized just how much time I spend looking at the screen in my hand.

The truth of the matter is, I think there are dialogue boxes within us that try to give us messages about our connection with God, but the question becomes, do we pay any attention to those messages?  Maybe it’s that little nagging feeling that I should, or shouldn’t, do something.  Maybe it’s the feeling that I should slow down.  Maybe it’s the sense of emptiness that I feel within.  Maybe it’s the little voice calling me to open my Bible or simply talk to God. Maybe it’s the feeling of needing to just go outside for a quiet walk without anything playing on our earbuds or headphones. There probably really are a lot of Message Boxes in our faith journey…it’s just that they get overlooked or maybe even ignored.

Today, or in the coming week, what if we each took a moment to unplug and reconnect with our God who knows us best and loves us the most.  That is what the journey of Lent is all about!!

Pastor Keith

Blessings 03.08.2024

I was blessed the other night.  I was blessed by the privilege to speak to our church’s youth group and share in communion with them during their Overflow worship service.  Yes, that was a blessing.  But actually that isn’t the blessing I’m speaking of.  There was a blessing that took place just before my time with the youth.

As happens occasionally, there was an individual who was passing by the church and stopped in for a moment.  He found me in the chapel and we visited for a little bit.  I’ll admit, I was busily getting ready for the Overflow service with the youth so I wasn’t giving the individual my full attention.  I’ll also admit, there was a part of me thinking, I don’t have time for this.  Looking back on it, if I had just pushed the gentleman out the door I would have missed out on the blessing.

Yes, this was someone that I recognized.  He’d been here to the church before.  Yes, he was of a different ethnicity than me.  Yes, it was apparent that he wasn’t in full control of his faculties and that he was under the influence of something.  We visited for a moment, and then I told him I was getting ready for another activity. As we talked, I slowly started moving him toward the front door. 

Then he asked me the question.  “Do you have anything to eat here.”  Well, the youth had pizza for their meal, but it was already devoured and there were no leftovers.  I told him I didn’t think we did.  Then I remembered our small office refrigerator and some crackers that someone had donated to the church that were on the back counter.  I told the man to wait for a moment.  I went to the refrigerator and found a yogurt cup and some apple slices (sorry Tonya, Short, or Becky if they were yours).  I grabbed a couple of the individual bags of crackers.  I took it all to the individual and he was so happy.  It wasn’t that much, but he was thrilled.  

As we again, started heading toward the door, he stopped and asked if I prayed.  I told him I do.  He asked if I would pray for him.  (Head slap to myself!!)  Why didn’t I offer that to him without his gentle reminder??  So, we stood in the hallway, and I prayed for the man that God’s peace, and hope, and love would surround him on his journey.  He thanked me and then asked if he could pray for me.  Now that was a first!  I don’t think I’ve ever had someone who was asking for help ask if they could pray for me.  I told him absolutely and he started praying in his native language.  He would pause every so often to explain a word or two or to tell me what he was praying.  But he prayed for me!

That was the blessing I almost didn’t receive.  As I said, this was the first time in my ministry that someone I was helping asked to and then prayed for me.  Here I thought I was the one doing the blessing.  But God spoke to the individual in front of me and God spoke to me in the moment, too, saying that I was the one that needed the blessing in the moment.  And to think I almost missed it because of my feeling busy and rushed.

You know, this is how God so often works.  It’s those who go on the mission trip who often return home feeling they received the greater blessing.  It’s those who help lead Sunday School, Love Feast, and other ministries that often say they are the ones who receive the greater blessing.  We may not always see the faces of those who benefit from our monthly One Thing or our mission giving, but I often hear how blessed people feel knowing that their donated box of hamburger helper or laundry detergent, etc. will make a difference in someone’s life.  

Sometimes as Christians or as a part of the church, we think that we are the one’s always doing the blessing.  However, if we’re willing and open, there is often a blessing being given back that we miss.  We may not always recognize it or we may just rush by the moments of blessing, but often it is there…if we are willing to receive it. May we always be receptive to the blessing that is offered to us, even when it comes from someone we least expect it from.  To the gentleman that was just passing by…Thank you for the prayer and blessing!  And thank you for the reminder that God was not only present in the faces of the youth group I shared worship with.  God was also present in the face of the one just passing by.  

Pastor Keith

Planting Trees, Planting Seeds 03.01.2024

Trees are such a beautiful part of our world.  In our current season, late winter, the trees in the yard of our home and community, don’t look like much.  They don’t provide shade.  I guess they would provide space for nests, but the birds aren’t around that want nests…and the trees don’t provide much shelter or protection currently anyway.  The area of Mitchell that we live in is a newer area, which means there aren’t many mature trees.  The trees in the area are growing, but most trees are rather small.  

One of the first things Nancy and I did upon moving into our home, once the boxes were unpacked, was to plant a couple trees in our yard, thus doubling the number of trees on our property.  Even though these trees are now several years old, we realize that it is likely that we won’t be around (or on this earth) to enjoy them when they are in their full glory of maturing.  So, a question has come up, “Why?”  Why do we plant trees when we aren’t going to enjoy them when they are mature and most beautiful?  For the answer to that question, I look to a previous generation….my Great Grandfather, Swan Nelson.  He’s the one who settled on the “home” place that I grew up on north of White Lake.  I believe he’s the one who planted many of the trees in the shelter belt west of the house I grew up in.  

Great Grandpa Nelson must have known that he wouldn’t be around to see or experience the fullness of how those trees would look or how they’d protect the house and farmyard from the South Dakota winds and blizzards, yet he planted the trees because he knew it wasn’t just about him.  He also knew it was about future generations that would live and work on that farm.  Certainly, Swan Nelson was able to experience some of the benefits of those trees he planted, but he knew those trees weren’t just for him.  Those trees were intended for others yet to come.

Today I’m asking myself, and all of us as a part of our local church and the greater Church, what are the “trees” that we are planting?  What are the things that we are starting or doing now that none of us in this church today may experience the benefits of or even see the fullness of?  I believe the greater Church of our day needs to be planting more “trees,” taking more risks, and taking the attitude of Great Grandpa Swan….it is not about me.  And of course, the reason for planting these kinds of spiritual trees is so that others, in generations to come, will experience and know the love and grace of Jesus that we know today.  

In order for future generations to experience the beauty, joy, peace, and hope of our faith, we need to be planting “trees” or seeds of faith today.  Seeds that take time to mature and produce fruit, but seeds that if cared for, will provide fruit and benefit for generations to come.  Yes, it takes us, the followers of Jesus to plant and nurture the seeds of faith today in order for the harvest and full benefit of the growth and maturity to be realized tomorrow…or the next day…or the next.  

How about it…are you ready to grab a shovel?  Are you ready to plant a couple of “trees” for God’s Kingdom??  I believe there are people in the future that will experience the love and presence of God, then look back to us today, even though they won’t know us, and give thanks for the trees we planted for them!

Pastor Keith

Giving 02.23.2024

What is it costing you to give in this season of Lent?  Actually, that’s a great question to ask any time of year, but since Lent is a season of reflection, it seems like an especially fitting question for each of us to reflect on today. What is it costing you/me to give in this season?  Now the “giving” that I’m speaking of is that of our giving to God.  What is it costing me?

This question came to light in a story involving King David in the Old Testament book of 1 Chronicles.  David has just done something that dishonors and displeases God.  (No, it’s not the Bathsheba story.  Yes, David messes up numerous times in the Old Testament.)  God sends judgment or punishment upon the people of Israel because of David’s disobedience.  Part of the punishment was God sending an angel of destruction to destroy Jerusalem.  God relented and stopped the angel of destruction, but the angel stood beside Jerusalem awaiting further instructions.  

David was told to erect an altar on the site where the angel of destruction was standing.  The farmer who owned the land was threshing wheat at that spot.  David asked this individual, his name was Ornan, to sell him the land so that David could build an altar to God.  Ornan first said that he’d just give him the land and all that was needed out of respect for the king and to be of service.  But David refused saying, “I will not take what belongs to you, and I will not offer a sacrifice to God that costs me nothing.”  

Take notice of that last phrase.  “I will not offer a sacrifice to God that costs me nothing.”   David has recognized that a part of following the ways of God is that there is a cost involved.  It requires something of the person, not just a mindless act or a meaningless gift…no, there is a cost involved.  It costs us something! 

Jesus was getting at the same thing when he told some who were interested in him to leave their families, their work, their certainty and come follow him.  This is why Jesus pointed out the incredible gift of the widow at the temple.  Jesus said most of the offerings given to God at the temple were given out of people’s excess, or in a sense, their pocket change.  However, the widow gave everything she had to offer.  It cost her something…and she knew it.  

I am really struck by David’s words to Ornan. “I will not offer a sacrifice to God that costs me nothing.”  I’m going to be chewing on that simple phrase and what it means for me today.  It would have been so easy for David to take the land and everything he wanted for the sacrifice, but it wouldn’t have cost him anything.  It wouldn’t have been as meaningful to David to make that offering because he really didn’t have any skin in the game, as they say.  

We are a blessed people.  I am very blessed in so many ways.  So often I give out of my excess…it’s easy to do, but does it cost me anything?  Does it cost me anything that I really notice or miss?  In this season of reflection and examining our faith, this is a great question to wrestle with.  Does my/our giving to God cost us anything that would be considered a sacrifice? 

David’s words are a great statement for each of us to consider.  “I will not offer a sacrifice to God that costs me nothing.”  God’s gift of love and forgiveness to us cost God his son.  As we move closer toward the cross in this holy season, may we consider what our giving to God costs us.  What does that kind of giving represent in our lives?  It’s true we can never outgive God, but our giving is something that can be, and like David reflects, it needs to be something that we notice, something that gets our attention.  Yes, in our giving to God…it needs to cost us something that helps us give honor and glory to God.

Pastor Keith